I am a passionate, driven professional who enjoys delivering results and helping others, encouraging the people around me while having fun and being creative. Greatly enjoy and exceed at building lasting relationships and networks with kindred professional spirits with a hungry appetite to innovate on old process and strategies and used existing resources to deliver new, more effective results. I have been called ridiculously optimistic which I find to be a very high complement.
Looking for career opportunities to keep on working on topics and issues that I find interesting and fulfilling while helping others and expanding my skill-sets and experiences. Such topics include public service, talent management and human capital, as well as public health and healthcare. Looking to expand and increase my opportunities to lead, supervise and motivate teams to achieve goals and drive results.
Interested in opportunities in where I can continue to work remotely full time as I am part of a foreign service family currently stationed in Rome, Italy until 2027.
Trained Facilitator using Human-Centered Design from the Luma Institute
Innovation policy and strategies- entrepreneurship in government, change management, in government technology as well as mission support functions such as human capital and contracting
Innovative program design and implementation in government across a wide variety of areas through the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program